Saturday, February 16, 2008

I graduate le!

16th Feb'08
the day that i graduated from ngee ann polytechnic unofficially..
the day that i took my last paper of my 3 years
the feeling is weird and undescribeable..
a feeling of restlessness
a "Nothing more to do" feeling..
but alas, i graduated already!!!

Today wore the finisher shirt to the exam hall..
to symbolise my finishing hours in np as a student..
I finished my 3 year race in Poly life~
it just ended like this..
weird feeling though...
the paper.. mmm.. should be ok i guess!
no point worrying so much about it anyway..
so shall stay happy!

This is a picture taken in the exam hall
(when the paper was collected)

Taken outside the exam hall

NP convention hall~

At jonathon's house~

To all that has finished your exam;
Da Jia Xin Ku le! We did it already!!!
These 3years of studies has come to and end le!
We had joy we had fun we had seasons in Ngee Ann!
To all that hasnt finished their exams:
jiayou le! Its just a few days more!
dont leave any regrets in NP le!
do your best in any and all of your subjects!
To all that has 1 or 2 years more in NP!
cherish the time in here!
its simply because time passes so fast that
i believe any year 3 will tink back about the
first day we stepped into NP that felt like ydae!
so do have utmost fun in here and do your utmost
bestest in your studies too!
jiayou le!
Many thanks to those who help add oil and encouraged..
appreciated greatly!
many thanks to alpha mates whom i have went through quite a year with!
many thanks to the lecturers and supervisors that tahan us!
many thanks to family for tahaning me!!!
many thanks to all who supported!!!!
many many thanks to all!
"Xie Xie Ni Men"

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