Sunday, March 30, 2008

The 2 kinds of Trainers~

Was away in camp again!=)
ni no's camp chief this time!
went in as attache lo..
starting didnt really had much to do because
my attache person not ard..
after that was attached to Jieyu(SIC) to learn..
so follow him around, learn things like
time buffer(allowance of timing) before activities and stuffs.
didnt really have much to do on that day though..
day 2
today went for panti expedition!
was attached/follow
wq(safety officer/last man)
so ya.. then he taught me quite abit of things like,
how to avoid leeches on the ground
and i observe how he keep in constant contact with
the first man(SIC).. the things he asked,
things to take note, keepin in constant contact also with
section 2 which is behind us.
how to motivate people, how to push ppl to move,
how to use ur gestures to make ppl feel interested in wat u are toking about.
overally, the expedition was great, the weather was great,
just that i tink it would haf been better if lets sae we all went up to the
summit, a pity though for such a good weather..
we could and we can!
anyway, the expedition ended and i attach myself back to jieyu again..
haha... went to do the jetty jump! actually to sae, was playing with
the kids though. coz the sun was super hot,
a dip in the pool was shiok for them, so they keep dunking
in the lake..haha..
then went to bathe for them in i mean,
for them, they went to bathe lohx..
and tonite we hafto do sentry duty at the canteen..
went for campfire! yet again, i learned sumthing new!
and sentry arrives! cooked maggi at 1am to eat lah.. super hungry!
but dun feel like eating, so didnt eat..hahaha..
then like keep going to the camp site to shoo ppl off to bed..
home it is! haha.. the timing was super early!
everything ended early!
nth much to do but to wait for the arrival of the buses..
the buses cldnt park outside due to the filming in the whole resort..
some company book the whole resort lah..haha..
rich lah... spore filming de...
then went home le lohx..
super tired... me, syafiq, jieyu and wq on one bus,,
all of us slpt thru the journey!
i tink i super tired coz i didnt do anything lahz..
as in i dun really haf a role to play in this camp.. super tired..
then came to spore le! ate lunch with them and
see them get paid..haha..
so sad right..haha.. but ok lah...
then went to alpha to meet the rest of the ppl!
went there le, tok to the junoir abit,
walk around abit, play tai ti abit..then went to the restuarant!
with the 3 kings! haah.. our superv.
went to that restaurant, famous for the kong ba bao.
haha.. then the joke begins..=)) haha..
fun lah.. coz very long nv come together le mah..
haha.. then keep eating and eating..
then went home le lohx..
"bye guys" send me to thomson!
zzz.. super tired!
The 2 different kind of trainers!
1. Motivational kind
2. Disciplinary kind
i tink i belong to the 1. section
i realise i cant be fierce leh..
but after this camp, i still tink that motivational
kind of method is still the best. at least for me!
i tink that by doing things this way, the participants wont be
disappointed in the camps as in,
spirits wont be dampened i guess.!
i want to be a more motivational kind!
hahahaha. soon soon!
what kind are you?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

24th of March~

The previous post was something that i came across
that i though it was quite meaningful,
and so i shared!
Events that happened during these days~~
19th was a great day!=)))
time past so fast!
sometimes, people like me want time to pass faster,
and sometimes we want time to past slower..
contradicting leh..
mmm.. but time will pass very fastly!
jiayou jiayou jiayou!!!
the words : used to
kh say im used to crap alot.
haha.. what sia, but i agree totally.
thats something that i can do at times,
when i have the feel to do it that is.
but i tink thats not very good also!
i want to be able to be serious and at the same time,
be joking..
so that the people around me wont think im a super serious person.
haha.. actually, i tink no one thinks im one oso.. hahaha..
crapping, its something that u dont nid to think about,
if u nid to tink about wat to crap, then its called talk!
not crap! ahahha.. kaihoow. lets CRAP together soon!
whatever you say, just anyhow laugh can le!
im sure others will laugh at you soon!
ending post~~
Facing up to the past,
allows you to face up the future.
I can!
you can too!

The eight gifts~

But you must REALLY listen.
No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response.
Just listening.
Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on
the back and handholds.
Let this small actions demostrate the love you
have for family and friends.
Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories.
Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."
It can be a simple "Thanks for you help" note or a full sonnet.
A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime,
and may even change a life.
A simple and sincere, "You look great in red,"
"You did a superb job" or
"That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day.
Everyday, go out of your way to do something kind.
There are time when we want nothing better
than to be left alone.
Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others.
The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone,
really it's not that hard to say , Hello or Thank You.

Friday, March 14, 2008

14th March '08

Today is the day that i officially "unofficially" graduated.
results were out.. though not as expected but i'll accept it!
=)) results were ok, had a gpa of 3.48
hoped for better results for the last sem but it seem ok lah.haha
my graduating GPA was really lousy, 3.1830
and i am declared "Passed and completed the diploma course"
yea~~ my results~~~
PD2 was a little disappointing - A
EPM was expected - A
ESD was ok witht the grade - B
FCS was superbly lousy - C
WISP was accepted lah - B+

CCA record had approved 58 points! but i still got 2 points that were
defined as new! sian diao! if not can get 60 points de.. but im ok with
58points lah.. at least i got silver! haha..

Overally, im H-A-P-P-Y that i pass all! =))
and to the people out there! gratz on passing all!=))
wo men zhen de bi ye le!=))) hahahaha...

====================End of RESULTS==================

its been quite abit of time since updated le.. haha..
went to camp as instructor le : ST Theresa Convent
first time leading a group by myself and a challenge to me since my grp
of girls was from the Normal Technical but mind you..
these girls are very strong. i believe they can excel in watever they do!
though they are slightly weaker in the academic side, but i noe they have
grown through the camp from the 1st day to the last day. they have learned
the meaning of unity in their class: 2R.. they bonded together in the little time
of 4days.. though participants might be quarrelling and shouting at one another
for every 5mins that pass, they still grew! they still want each other to be happy!
they still want to see each others smiles! They can be independent! =) its heartwarming
to see them together when in the first place they are loose sand!

After being attaches and leading a group,
i realise that i really want to bring camps because to me, every camp
touches life, changes life and bonds all together..
and for that reason, i want to learn more things, so that the future camps that i bring,
it will be memorable to all, both myself and the participants.. i want a smile and memories
to stay with them! =)) i want to make people smile! =))
i want to go for more camps!!! i want to do my best!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY EUNICE! (ps huh, abit late but better late then nth right!)
may u always stay blur because thats wat we noe u as! blur has its good right?
daren oso blurblur de.haha.. may all ur wishes come true! and one last veryveryvery
important thing i noe u sure wan one.. may a freshee who lives in yishun come join OB,
then got ppl pei u take bus home le right..hahaha... stay pretty k!=)
best wishes~~

job lobangs, anyone?
haha.. quite in need of a job though..haha..

went to sentosa to celebrate eunice and yingjias birthday at siloso..
wasnt really feeling well in the morning when reach.. so didnt play much!
sry ppl~~
but anyway~
carls junior-ed at night at vivo~
huiting, wesly and derrick got random-ed by me! hahaha...
quadraple burger.. 20$..haha.. they still sae, yaya, ok lah, i never eat here b4,
so i dun mind u ordering.. hahaha.. actually, alot of ppl got random-ed!
haha.. had a simple dinner, play the play ground awhile, skate board-ed(fake one)
then went home le!=)))

these few days stay home, clean the whole house up! cleaner le. but still untidy..
the shoe rack only got 2 pairs which is mine shoes. the rest are my sisters' shoes.
sososo messy.. nvm lo.. clean clean clean~~
be back updating soon!!=))

Sunday, March 2, 2008

3rd of March!!!

------------> 1st of March! <----------------

had my birthday celebration with alpha ppl! haha.. great great great.. haha. went CARTEL-ling
haha.. no ribs though..haha.. its great to be around them! haha. me and ben and some others were toking about the experience at attache programme, jonathon butted in and sae "eh, can make ur order first, then we tok ok?" haha.. so we made our order loh! then we continue blahblah-ing.. then tok about the genting trip! yea~ i be going! hahaha.. then hor.. we finish eating le.. went out of cafe cartel.. then started anyhow walking loh.. walk here and there.. end up we went out of ps and sit infront of TCC.. wanted to sit ard in starbucks de. but then the place not enuff seats for the 8 of us.. haha.. so went to TCC there.. then saw the illegal pic! hahaa.. laugh like wat lidat.hahaha.then went to cathay.. the starbucks there again! no seat.. haha.. so wanted go bens and jerrys.. but agian! no seat.. sian diao.. so we went all the way down! the fountain there sit.. then lokping sae wan take pic of the fish in the water.. wanted to 'TEST' the camera.. haha.. so ok loh.. he dipped inside le.. 2 tries.. 2nd try everyone was looking at him coz he "flashed" at the wrong side.. haha.. i mean the camera flashed at the wrong side.. then the security came down and warned us.. haha.. we zhao lah.. ps leh.. all looking at us.. but.haha.. thats just us i guess ..hahaa... went home after that!haha..
"Thanks guys for celebrating this birthday! haha.. xinku le! aha.. Greatly appreciated!=)))"

------------> 2nd of March! <----------------

went out with NPOB ps again! but not CARTEL again..hahah.. went to Fish Mahattan.. wahh.. its been long since we had 30+ ob ppl eating together. together, the package came with noise, laughter, jokes, cameras, and more pictures.ahahah.. noisy til the manager come out..hahaha.. siala.. but thats how we are i guess.hahahaha.. ate Salmon something something de. haha.. birthday cake for 4 ppl! haha.. same ppl as the year b4 but with an addition of doremi! haha.. mmm.. but this package is noisy! haha.. but i like~~ haha.. had great fun! i wont be late again!haha. at least i tink i wont.. with 2 watchesnow..hahahaha.. okok! xiexieni men! thanks to the planner of this birthday!hahaha... xin ku ni men le! not easy planning so many ppl bah! thanks manymany! 'Thanks all for the celebration! thanks for making your way down. for some of u, after camps. xin ku ni men le! haha.. appreciated!! i will remember this birthday de! haha..!!! xiexie!"

the fishy pics that lokping took..hahaha.. take a look! haha..

NPOB celebratin pic i no haf! send me k! haha..

ending post~~~

Friends are important people!

Im glad i haf many important bunches of ppl in mine!