Sunday, March 2, 2008

3rd of March!!!

------------> 1st of March! <----------------

had my birthday celebration with alpha ppl! haha.. great great great.. haha. went CARTEL-ling
haha.. no ribs though..haha.. its great to be around them! haha. me and ben and some others were toking about the experience at attache programme, jonathon butted in and sae "eh, can make ur order first, then we tok ok?" haha.. so we made our order loh! then we continue blahblah-ing.. then tok about the genting trip! yea~ i be going! hahaha.. then hor.. we finish eating le.. went out of cafe cartel.. then started anyhow walking loh.. walk here and there.. end up we went out of ps and sit infront of TCC.. wanted to sit ard in starbucks de. but then the place not enuff seats for the 8 of us.. haha.. so went to TCC there.. then saw the illegal pic! hahaa.. laugh like wat lidat.hahaha.then went to cathay.. the starbucks there again! no seat.. haha.. so wanted go bens and jerrys.. but agian! no seat.. sian diao.. so we went all the way down! the fountain there sit.. then lokping sae wan take pic of the fish in the water.. wanted to 'TEST' the camera.. haha.. so ok loh.. he dipped inside le.. 2 tries.. 2nd try everyone was looking at him coz he "flashed" at the wrong side.. haha.. i mean the camera flashed at the wrong side.. then the security came down and warned us.. haha.. we zhao lah.. ps leh.. all looking at us.. but.haha.. thats just us i guess ..hahaa... went home after that!haha..
"Thanks guys for celebrating this birthday! haha.. xinku le! aha.. Greatly appreciated!=)))"

------------> 2nd of March! <----------------

went out with NPOB ps again! but not CARTEL again..hahah.. went to Fish Mahattan.. wahh.. its been long since we had 30+ ob ppl eating together. together, the package came with noise, laughter, jokes, cameras, and more pictures.ahahah.. noisy til the manager come out..hahaha.. siala.. but thats how we are i guess.hahahaha.. ate Salmon something something de. haha.. birthday cake for 4 ppl! haha.. same ppl as the year b4 but with an addition of doremi! haha.. mmm.. but this package is noisy! haha.. but i like~~ haha.. had great fun! i wont be late again!haha. at least i tink i wont.. with 2 watchesnow..hahahaha.. okok! xiexieni men! thanks to the planner of this birthday!hahaha... xin ku ni men le! not easy planning so many ppl bah! thanks manymany! 'Thanks all for the celebration! thanks for making your way down. for some of u, after camps. xin ku ni men le! haha.. appreciated!! i will remember this birthday de! haha..!!! xiexie!"

the fishy pics that lokping took..hahaha.. take a look! haha..

NPOB celebratin pic i no haf! send me k! haha..

ending post~~~

Friends are important people!

Im glad i haf many important bunches of ppl in mine!

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