Sunday, April 20, 2008


heyhey~~ i know many ppl misses me! like real~~ hahaha
nyway, its been long since i blogged~~
supersuper long ago le bah.. ermmm.. wats been up with me
recently ah... i tink the most recent is the Genting Trip with alpha ppl bah!

Genting ~ Sunway trip! 7th-11th April

haha, i remember having to go to Lokping's house to stay over due to the super far distance from my house to boonlay side.. which is quite impossible to reach at ard 7am at the market there.. so went to stay over and due to some problems, jiawen had to stay over with us at lokping house loh..hahahah.. super funny.. he reach there le then sae actually he got the earliest bus to reach here..haha.. watever loh~~but he still got stay loh.hahhaa.. me and olp force jiawen to slp super early! hahaha.. just because we want to wake him up at 4.30am to go bathe coz he bathe super long de.. haha.. then me and olp stay up to watch "wei si li chuan qi!".. the super retro de kind of show loh..hahahhaa... then got super excited bout who will die and stuff..haha.. then we slpt le..

the morn, we woke jiawen up!! hahaha.. go bathe!! then we lie down to wait for him and call the rest of the ppl up!!! to wake ppl up! haha.. i rem calling elson and he told me "where got ppl call ppl at such a time one(it was aroudn 4.50am in the morn, ahhahaa...)".. hahaha.. then we bathe and got ready loh.. and jiawen had a super super big lagguage bag along and we suspected he brought laptop along.. but ended up we were wrong...hahaha.. watever~~ went to the market to eat and we were super early lah... but nvm loh.. went to toilet, met the rest.. off we go!=))
reach genting that time, became cold le! haha.. super misty!!! went for lunch at kfc!!! the chicken there, i no comments de.. haha... really.....anyway~~we checked into our hotel room le! our room number is 22 609!!! the view super nice de loh.. we check in le then we found out de!! hahaha.. supersupersuper nice de.. ermm, we didnt waste much time de! came out, then go to Ripley's Believe It Anot!!! some things super cool de, haha... learn alot leh.. the different stunts ppl do, to the tallest man on earth(i took a pic with him-a statue, and realise... he really very tall..hahaha.. his hand super big de..), the turning tunnel where we keep going to and fro in(running, walking, jumping!!!), the weird things that happened! haha.. super fun lah..hahaha.. then went out to meet olp they all for dinner but ended up eating mary brown! its another fast food restaurant!=)hahaha.. ok lah the food...... hahaha.. went back to the room lo! then came out for coffeebean! ahaha.. the temp super nice! hahaha.. tok awhile, eat abit, then go back hotel room lo! before we slpt, we did super weird things that we nv do before de... hahahha.. shant say anything! haha.. slping time!!!not to forget, beating jonathon up! haha...

The next day! woke up and saw the super beautiful sunrise! really very nice! then one by one, they all wake up! then we go the where eat.. haha.."Hao You Ji"(good friend restaurant), the food nice de leh! haha.. then finish le, we go to the theme park le! haha.. i tell u ah, i tink that few days we are the ppl who is the super siao ones, sit the not scary de roller coaster oso will scream de.. hahaha.. imagine loh, 6 man screaming in an indoor theme park!! hahahaha.. watever~ who cares lah.. ahaha.. then went on for the spiderman ride with the rest of the ppl! hahaha.. super nice lah.. hahahha.. then slowly go for other rides! tink my nx ride was the spaceshot! wahh.. that time when i was nx one to go on hor, i wanted to go toilet lah!! wahh... stomache lah.. but they all ask me to dong! haha.. ok loh, then i dong loh.. the one sitting on my right is... jiawen! hahaha.. when we go up the pillar le, then he tell me he scared of heights lah.. hahhaa.. super funny..haha.. then the one on my right is a lady! haha.. duno her so dun care her loh. then i tell jiawen dun scared, just scream all u can.. haha.. i scream lah, anyhow de.. hahaha..the ride was super nice! cannot feel my butt on the chair de, too fast le! ahahaha.. then hor.. i tell u, i did the worst thing i ever did... -----to check my seat belt when i was at the top! super scary! i was thinking wat if come out.. wahhh. scared lah.. hahhaha.. came down le! then went to do other rides lo. but super not feeling well le.. so didnt carry on to the rest of the things le. when back to the room to slp.. like real lah.. lokping they all came back then disturb lo.. hhaha.. after rest awhile, we all go down for lunch at sushi king lah..then went back to the indoor ride! hahaha.. this time, all 11 of us sit in.. super funny.. the thing haven started moving, we started screaming le lah.. hahaha.. trying to add to the atmosphere..hahaha.. then we all the way anyhowanyhow scream! until those below eating kfc de all look up! hahaha.. close ur eyes and imagine 11 guys screaming at their loudest indoor! ya.. thats us! hahaha.. then the rest went on to the outdoor theme park while the already not feeling well de us(me, jonathon, kh, jiawen) went for bowling lo! haha.. sadest case is llyod, sick everyday.. sad lah... yaya loh.. then play bumper car lah, we anyhow anyhow bang ppl de loh.. haha..dinner time! we oso went for the go kart race leh.. me lokping and jj relax and drive and take pic, not like the rest lidat, chiong so fast.. hahhaa..then went to "Yun Hua Lou" restaurant eat good stuffs lo..hahaha.. then zhao to clinic with llyod! then go see things. then go back room loh!!! we all slpt early coz nx day need to change bus to sunway le! haha.. zzzz...not to forget, beating jonathon up!Again! hahahaha...

we awoken due to the phone call at 6.30am.. nice..hahaha.. but really i tink its worth it! the sunrise was beginning leh.. hahahaha.. really veryvery nice! then stare at it super long lah.. haha. but gotten ready and went for breakfast with the others.. to the "Hao You Ji" again! hahaha... then walk around then go check out le! take bus go sunway le! yayayayay!!!!! hahaha. hours ltr~~~ reach le! haha.. saw the water theme park! nice~~hahaha... then waited at the shopping center while they go book in the hotel! haha.. there got one ice skating ring leh! haha.. nice loh! haha.. then we all went to "Sunway Inns" our hotel le! the room not bad de leh..hahaha.. got aircon, got tv, got heater, got 6 beds for 6 of us..can combine the 2 queen size beds into a wrestling ring..haha. yes..not to forget, beating jonathon up! haha... hahaha.. yessa! haha..then we went shopping at the gigantic shopping mall! hahahaha.. shop till night leh! really very big! then we super budget, ate "Zi Char".. haha.. nice leh.. then was escorted by ben and jj back to room loh..hahahah.. then we bathed! haha.. i mean, separately! haha.. slping time!!! hahaha...

the next day!! haha,, woke up le.. went for prata loh.. hahah.. nice leh.. just that the coffee hor, super sweet lah... nicenice.. then we went back to room to prepare for the water theme park! while preparing....not to forget, beating jonathon up! haha... went for the theme park le loh! ahaha.. 100RM leh. for all 3 theme parks! haha.. nice leh, the place.. quite fun! =)) especially the water de.. haha.. super high.!! and i sat on the figure 8 de float! with jiawen!!! hahaha.. and we overturned! super pain lah.. wat sia.. everybody laughing at me lah.. hahahahha.. i laughed at myself oso lah.. hahaha.. oso duno how it happened.. hahahaha.. watever~~ then play other things oso! haha.. my camera came into great usage!hahaha.. we took underwater pics, inside water, around the water areas, at the ''waterfall'', at the tsunami pool! haha.. nice loh.. hahahah.. then we were quite disappointed with the tsunami pool side, the person cheat us.. hahahah.. but nvmlah.. and i heard from the rest that the ppl who help us take group pic like abit shocked the camera can go in.. haha.. funny.. =)) haha.. then went to the many many rides.. without me on top.. hahaha.. i took the 360 pirate ride.. nice.. first time leh.. hahaha.. anyway, before that, we went to the zoo loh.. haha.. then went to the scream park. not very scary de..haha.. but nice lah.. aahhaa.... we played till the parks close loh.... at ard 6pm.. so we went back to put our stuffs in the hotel rooms! and then we came out again! ahahha.. this time, we super hungry, so we went to the chicken buffet stall.. wahhh.. eat till we drop! hahaha.. eat and eat and eat. then we go shop loh..hhaha.. bought a jacket after super long considerations and went shop again.. haha.. this time for jj loh.. he got many thing he wanna get de loh.. hahaha.. then we went back to the hotel again.. and if im not wrong, not to forget, beating jonathon up! haha... drank coffee loh.. then we played around, and i fell aslp le.. super tired! hahahaha..

nx day woke up le! final day in msia for ALPHA Graduation Trip! went for prata agaiN!hahaha.. then went shoppin loh.. not to forget, beating jonathon up! haha... then we book our bags into the lagguage room then go for shopping again! zzzz.. and i went A&W..hahaha.. super miss lah.. hahahaha.. then shop le very long, went back to collect bags and stuff loh.. then took our coach and went back! hahahaa.. jiawen sat on jonathon! hahahahha.. super funny! hahaha.. we reach teh boon lay market le, ate and jonathons dad drove us back to the mrt stat where we went our ways le loh..

hahaha.. i super like this trip lah.. hahahha.. we had super alot of fun thanks to jonathon who voluntarily let us whack.. hahaha.. then oso we all anyhow anyhow play de.. we had lotsa fun, had lotsa memories of 1000+ pics..hahaha..=)) i never will forget! haahah.. nx year!hopefully lets go there again!hahahhaa.. thanks to all that contributed by planning and going !hahahha.... remember Alpha group '07 k! hahaha..

LDC work

hahah..went to the sch, sec 2 students with wenting.. i tink they are quite nice, at least they do respond ya? hahaha.. =)) tried out the way i want to faciltate and i tot it was good, coz i felt me lah. haha.. joking and crapping with the students so that they can listen! overally, i tink its good! hahaha.. but sec 1 students. wahh.. super de loh.. hahahaha.. duno how to tok to them oso.. coz their attention span is super short! my suggestion to me to improve was to not tok to only a small group of ppl, but to the whole lot of them! meaning my attention was only on this small group! i forgot wat was the other already..hahaha. but nvm!=) i tink its quite true lah.. i nid to improve in motivating ppl! haha.. i wan! i will! i can!

First trng

hahaha.. went back as a "freshie".. the feeling different de loh.. hahahha.. i tink this year might haf alot of ppl stayin in OB.. hahah.. some sae its something different! but i feel that, most of them are actually made interested thru the ppl here.. haha. all that fun loving! hahaha.. and of coz the comm members did superbly well lah..hahah...*Claps* and hor! i tink they like to play oso! hahaha.. nice! we celebrated derrick's bdae! gave him a soccer ball, a limited edition ob shirt and a card! hahaha.. hope he enjoyed though its really short celebration!hhahaha.. and hor.. i see his face, he like almost crying le loh.. hahahah.. touched ah? haha..

end of this post le lah.. tired le.. hahahha.. bb! nx time i shall continue k! nx time.. hahaha..

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