Friday, May 2, 2008

Short post.

learnlearnlearn! haha.... its wat we do everyday.
=)) i learn many things about life!!!

Thanks to Kelvin!!!=)) COT! li hai! haha. plan our trip. xin ku ni le!
we had fun!!=)) haha.. thanks u him oso. we get to kiss mama hug papa lo!
hahaha. anyways. the days with u ppl is great! haa. had alot of fun with uguys!
my ROOMmates! farand and JUNWEI! i like~~~
hahahaha.. those who noe. they noe. hahaha.. esp JUNWEI. he confirm wont forget de.
hahahaha. and the laughter! =) our last day of 100s of poker's pushups we hafto do.
and the jj and wenting pics..~~~ watever~~ hahaha..

ok lah. now. its time to work le! cannot play le. money go out no come in. no good no good.
but. i bought a shirt i like! i mean. we all bought the same shirt we like. hahahaha.
New Zealand All Blacks!=))

and. jiayou le!=) we can do it! haa.
10th july. tekong awaits us! 3months disappearance!=) super sad! haha.. but. we'll be back!
hahaha. i duno true anot.

my taogeh kai hua le! hahaha.. =)))
traintraintrian! self-discipline!

hahahahahahahaha. jiayou to all! =))

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