Friday, July 4, 2008

after that long~

haha..ok! =)) im here to update!

life has been simple and i'm loving it~~
met quite abit of people during this period of 2 months!
went to camps quite abit to know even more people!
the different schools were great! though some needed extra care,
extra effort, and even more patience..
but still, the experience was great! i guess its something that wouldnt
just appear like "Ta Da~~" for you bah...
dunman high camp was super nice~
chung cheng high camp was great too~
the rest of the camps was great too~
even for other camps at chong fu.. it was great too..
a totally new experience from others..
got to know more people better~

went also for sundown marathon..
i went to the race with a thinking..
not to compete, but to complete!
and yea~ i completed!=))
there were ups and downs during the route.
there were walking times, there were running times.
but i guess there never was a time where we would give up!
just because we are from NPOB.
never to give up on others, not to mention ourselves.
never to leave anyone behind.
im glad i didnt. =)) haha..
everyone who went to the marathon.
you guys were great! =) haha.. li hai!
dun say the timing, but we all completed the race!

its good to have aims to reach for!=))

" lets complete the race together =p "

another race, "The Pinnacle '08"
a great race again. the route was super changed.
it was a great race. haha.. many routes.
many trails. many challenges.
many checkpoints. long roads that never seem to end.
but still. we conquered! hahahaha..

its never the distance.
its the the heart and determination to complete.
i believe in this alot.

we got 3rd!
in timing...
but im still happy. and proud.
=)) haha.. jonathon. =)) haha..
he's my partner. haha.. we are happy, but disappointed too..
hahahahaha.. but still we are happy.
very chim eh? haha....

went to jj de bdae.
=) met up with alot of people.
haha.. ppl from ns, ppl from ob, ppl from alpha.
ppl who i duno.
hahaha.. watever~
i guess it was successful loh..
hahaha..21st bdae!=)
hahaha.. we tonned the night.
playing poker. so funny. so weird.
washed the plates and mop the floor.
settled most of the area stuff.
and we checked out of that place le.
went to to ps for lunch, then went to make specs.
then went home to slp, coz super tired.
hahaha.. but still. im happy!

life has been quite tiring yet fun at the same time.
many things have happened.
many things have been said.
many things have passed.
i remember my last post toking about the first training.
now this is a post whereby i shall tok about my last training.
before i go into ns this thursday!
last training...
took pics with many.
for the last time when i haf long hair.
as compared to botak after going in.
mmmm.. but still, its was great seeing many of you guys there today.
went thru the training, and i realise i hafto get stronger!
im not strong enuff to meet my aims in ns.
i nid to get stronger! =))
i would!
haha.. and ydae, we joke about everything and anything.
the very few u might hear from me liao~
esp on 184, i realise i could crap alot liao..
ok.. actually i know i can crap alot..
hahaha.. for those present at there.. xin ku ni men le..
for tahan-ning my crap about wat rou song, and watever~
haha.. mmm.. =)) you people were great!
jiayous le hor!
jiayous to the comm members!=))

the days that we went out. it was great!
many thanks to those that helped me in great amounts!
the days.
=)) hahaha.. thanks for the many helps u people gave to me!
hahaha.. =)) appreciated!

from this moment..
i treasure!!!!
hold on!!!!!!
i can. you can. we can!!!!!

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