Wednesday, February 6, 2008

06.02.08 - Memories of 2007

Tuan Yuan Fan Kuai le to all..=)
hoho.. todae.. spring cleaned my home le.. a few hundred years of dust cleaned away todae..
threw away many many things that i had when i was small..
lego, planes, and trash..

Now my sprouted beansprout is already twice as tall
the cup's height x2
hope it will continue to grow and grow!

This is Huang Mama
she siamed my kiss loh..
coz we juz finish eating..ahahaha...
bought her a watch instead for her bdae!
but forgotten that she bought a swatch watch le...haha..
but nvm lah!=)

she very ke ai de
new year has this dish called the Suan Pan Zi
i remember last year my mummy she actually sae so loud
"Eh, Go eat the Xue Di Zi! Dont waste hor!"
for those that duno, Xue Di Zi is a chinese weapon that is used
to remove people's head in the emperor times!
haha.laugh till stomachache loh...haha...

Alpha Centre

Alpha centre
a home to the many of us
during the past 1 year
many memories
a 2nd home to us you may say
the fun and stress we had
at the same time
yet never giving up on either one
where quarrels and patching up
occurs without fail
where all the overnights are spent
with the different cars that brought us out
for our 3 different meals
out rochor tao hui
our safari beds
our personalized fan
our fridge for the cold drinks and deserts
our sleeping materials
I'll never forget this hectic yet fulfiling year
of hard work, sweat and blood
I'll never forget everyone one of you
lacking anyone of you would be a different story altogether
Thanks to the many people who made my year
a year of suprises, stunts and fun

Robot Colony

My own Group ECE05
Kaihoow, Chris, Dajie for putting in their efforts for the robots itself!
for the support that was given to us when we do silly stuffs.
for the times we argued for many many silly stuffs.

Other groups
Lokping, Jonathon for helping me figure out somethings( Programming stuffs)
Ben Lim for his jokes, his complains bout you all know who
Henry and jiawen for the programming help also
Elson for his "Er Er Er" and his other funny features like...
and of coz his help in many things that i dont understand.

Mini Sumo
Ben And Jiajunn for giving the comments on how the robot could be improved,
for the help given for my studies..
Laoda for the JieMeiNess that was created..

Line Tracers
Llyod for the magic tricks that was shown to entertain us,
for the volvo that drove us out many a time for dinner
Jian Xiong for your fridge, a privilege indeed

The World Robotic Leaders
Mr Ng for the world champion name so that we can bring
around and boast about it, something to be proud of =)
"eh, you all got check that thing anot ah?"

Mr Hui for tahan-ning us, for playing, eating, sleeping,
slippers in the room, running about, soccer, and teasing him =)
"Eh, what happening ah?"

Mr Lim with his jokes and helping hands given to everyone of us
the different ideas for us to improve on our stuffs and studies =)
"Bye Guys~"

Mr Sunarto, our supervisor for his manymanymany help in our robot improvements
our programs, the manymany green forms, the many close 1 eye situation that occured
for the many encouragements that we got even though we lost =)
"Da Jie, why you go and touch? Leave it alone lah.. Haiyo.. You ah"

This are the many people who was in my life in the past 1 year
memorable indeed
my 2nd home to call so..

hahaha.. Alpha Oi..
bu she de leave loh..
da jia jiayou le ah!
last push to graduate!
we've all come so far lo! =)

A little quote from me
a word that plays an important part
in everything
achieve it!

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