Thursday, February 21, 2008

21stfeb - time for goodbye

today, was the last day of work at Fairprice..
3years has since past already, things changed.
drastically and in small measures...
workers change, resigned, new boys....
people and attitude changed..
working life changes....
from what i like in the first 2 years, things change against my wishes..
but im glad i stayed on with them... all because of my old colleagues from the
old branch.. the branch that was my stepping stone, to my earning place..
once a place of fun, cohesiveness and closeness,
it has turned into a place where these has been compressed..
but i will remember! and i will visit!
thanks to all!!=))

went to work, everyones looks were different..
they seem weird to me.. and so do i to them..
they look at me and they must be thinking,
"He still got work ah?"
but still, the aunties welcome and asked about the stuffs nowadays..
how i am.. one even commented bout me having to grow sideways..
but things went well todae, as usual, i slack a little..
ok, quite alot.. but there was nothing much to do de...
then aunties gave me 3 ang paos... even though i didnt come for
like so long, they still gave me one..=))
then went to sign the resignation form and return some stuffs..
mmm... seems weird when i signed and the ending times..
things felt weird, not right...
but i still went on! haha..
lunch time came and i walked around doing nothing..
thinking where i should go for lunch..
so after 10mins of wandering, i settled in the usual coffeshop..
ate and fa dai-ed at the coffeshop till i tink its time to go back to work le..
and it all ended at 4pm..
went home and wandered even longer at northpoint to look at things..
got bugged by surveyors... was thinking bout the qns they asked..
got away soon.. and went home..
walked past a reservoir, a nice place to day-dream...
slowed down my pace when was there.. i guess life was alittle too fast..
so breezy so nice so quiet...
went home after that and had dinner with my family.. =))
i want to slow down my pace for awhile!!! think less work more!=)

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